Data Insights
Learn more about the changing contexts of the church and next generation and why this work is important.
It’s likely not a surprise to you: Christian affiliation has declined over recent years.
In the ELCA alone, there have been stark drops in attendance and baptisms. Local churches continue to navigate the impact of a global pandemic. Clergy are overwhelmed and facing burnout. Amid wearying shifts in our country and our congregations, what roots need to be nourished—and what seeds can be planted?

New Relationships to Faith
Two in five Protestant senior pastors, including nearly half of Mainline pastors, say they have given real, serious consideration to quitting being in full-time ministry within the last year. Among women in ministry, this climbs to 57 percent.
Source: Pew Research Center

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In these challenging times, many people have felt drawn to deepen their spirituality.
Across backgrounds, we find common ground in our desires for inner peace and hope. Meanwhile, as a diverse generation comes of age, they are longing for justice—and they connect this pursuit to their faith. How is the ELCA uniquely positioned to offer a grace-filled community that meets these needs?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec accumsan ligula a feugiat bibendum. Nullam ipsum lectus, malesuada vitae ultrices feugiat, lobortis in arcu.
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Source: Source Link Goes Here
There are a number of opportunities for the ELCA to invite more people into a rich theological tradition of justice and belonging. Inspiring developments call us into a new chapter of gathering and loving our neighbors.
As we celebrate our history and move toward the future Church, how can we listen, learn and serve together?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec accumsan ligula a feugiat bibendum. Nullam ipsum lectus, malesuada vitae ultrices feugiat, lobortis in arcu.
Source: Source Link Goes Here

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec accumsan ligula a feugiat bibendum. Nullam ipsum lectus, malesuada vitae ultrices feugiat, lobortis in arcu.
Source: Source Link Goes Here