God’s Love Made Real
A world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation.
This is our vision. This is God’s Love Made Real.
Join us as we seek to discern God’s Spirit and work to become the church God is calling us to be.
As part of our own calling as followers, Jesus also invites us to “love God and love our neighbors as ourselves” (Matthew 22:36-40) and to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18-20).
Scripture, our theological tradition, and our liturgy drive us outside of ourselves, outside our comfort zones, and outside our doors to serve and to witness to Jesus, to participate in the healing, saving work that God is doing in the world. Our purpose – “to activate each of us so that more people know the way of Jesus and discover community, justice, and love” – is an expression of our calling as followers of Jesus and our longing as the people of God for others to know the love of God in Christ Jesus.
A Welcoming Church:
Engaging new, younger and more diverse people
“Your young…shall see visions, and your old…shall dream dreams.” Acts 2:17
We believe that each of us is made in the image of God, redeemed by Jesus on the cross, and filled with the Holy Spirit. We are especially focused on reaching young and diverse people, not because they are more highly valued but because they are disproportionately missing from our pews and gatherings. We are challenging one another to be a welcoming, inviting church that reflects and embraces the diversity of our communities and the opportunities that diversity brings.

A Thriving Church: Rooted in tradition and radically relevant
“You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored?…You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:13-14

A Connected, Sustainable Church: Raising the bar together
God gives the Holy Spirit who uses gospel proclamation – in preaching and sacraments, in forgiveness and in healing conversations – to create and sustain this faith.